Friday, October 10, 2008

I am always amazed at how God knows what we need even before we need it. As I look back at our vacation to Virginia, that was planned months in advanced, I never knew the stuff of life that God would take me through inbetween. Sometimes life just has a way of knocking you down, literally, to your knees and it is durning those times that God show's you the stuff of life that needs to go. Joy, is not in the stuff of life. I've had to ask myself, if God never gives me one more external thing over which to rejoice, is it enough that my name is written down in the joy of my salvation enough... I would like to say that I answered that question with a big ole, YES, but I could not...because my Joy is so conditional and his is not....and that makes for a miserable life...the only Joy that ever last is His joy...I thank God that he is taking me to a different place...and sometimes it is a little painful getting there and He knew months ago that durning this time I would need to get away, to regroup, to laugh and be loved...he is so amazing that way!

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