Thursday, February 5, 2009


OOOH...Owwww CH....shivers running up and down my spine and out my fingers and toes when I saw Little Matthew's stitches last Sunday. I'm a little embarrassed to say, when my children were hurt and there was more then a teaspoon of blood, I was the Mom who was jumping up and down on her tippy toes with my arms flapping up and down... something... do something...I cried more then my kids did after there shot's...when they threw up I threw up... not pretty I my apparent OVER reaction to Matthews stitches, should I ever have grandbabies, I 'm a little concerned if one of them should ever get hurt... for there sakes I hope Grandpa is close at had... because I'll just be jumping up and down on my tippy toes flapping my arms like a chicken something!!!!

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